Kristaps Sils is Having the Time of His Life with His Lizard Buddy

Iguanas can be amazing pets if you’re patient enough to take care of them—and Kristaps Sils’ pet lizard certainly tested his patience a few...

Fresh News

3 Useful Tips for Avoiding Jellyfish Stings

It’s that time of the year when we’re all dreaming of our summer vacation at a tropical beach, but it’s worth staying aware of...

This Albino Iguana Will Make You Believe That Dragons Are Real

Dragons have been inspiring writers and artists for centuries, despite the fact they don’t truly exist. Alexey Kashpersky always wished they were real so...

Must Read

Kind Humans Act Swiftly to Rescue a Fox Cub That Had Her Head Stuck in a Jar

The curiosity of foxes is one of their most endearing traits. However, it can sometimes get them in serious trouble. Luckily, in plenty of...

The Green Bird Brigade is Sharing Snippets From Life With Seven Parrots

When one woman from Austin, Texas decided to adopt her first budgie almost a decade ago, she didn’t know many more birds will soon...

Daily Hotlist

Extinct Marine Creatures Live On Through Kelly O’Dell’s Glass Art

Extinct species have been fascinating artists for centuries, and Kelly O’Dell happens to be one of them. This talented glass artist is using her...

Gaia is Living Her Best Life with Her Hermann’s Tortoise Mia

Tortoises can make really amazing pets, and the 25-year-old woman Gaia learned this first-hand when Mia walked into her life. This adorable Hermann’s tortoise...

Study Finds That Traffic Noise Can Slow Down Growth of Baby Birds

A new study published in the journal Science is giving bird lovers a reason to use their cars less and might do the same...

Woman Searches for Her Missing Dog, Finds Him Hanging Out with a Local Pack

X (former Twitter) user @dammitdemi from Kingston, Jamaica, recently shared an interesting thread about how she found out that her adorable pupper named Han...

Watch as Momo the Cat Makes Pottery With His Owner

Animals can be quite creative when given a chance. Just take a look at a cat named Momo, who makes pottery with his owner. In...

Security Camera Captures a Rare Footage of Elusive Cacomistle

Ever heard about a cacomistle? Don’t feel bad if you didn’t. This elusive animal, which counts raccoon as its cousin, prefers to spend its...

Interesting Facts About Camels You Probably Didn’t Know Before

Camels are fascinating animals, and we are not just talking about their unusual look. There are lots of interesting things about them that most...

Adorable American Bully Copies His Owner’s Facial Expressions

It is not strange for dogs to start copying their owners in the ways they walk or do certain things. But one adorable American...

Video Shows Fox Stealing a Bar of Chocolate From a Local Shop

Do you want to know where the expression “sly as a fox” came from? Then all you need to do is watch security camera...

Maria Bertrand’s Sparrow Happy is Truly Living Up to His Name

The names we choose for our pets have the power to shape their lives, and no one knows this better than Maria Bertrand. She’s...