Cat Follows Her Dog Sibling and Owner Every Time They Go for a Walk

Tractive Pet GPS, a company that sells pet trackers, recently shared an amusing video on TikTok that shows how one cat named Sushi follows her dog sibling and owner every time they go for a walk. But instead of taking the same route, the feline gets a bit creative.

Sushi’s tracker, on the other hand, is all over the place. She looks like she is in exploration mode, wandering around the neighborhood and taking shortcuts, crossing paths with the dog for only brief moments before embarking on another “side quest.”

The video ended up amusing TikTok users, who took it as another showcase of how cats and dogs have different personalities.

“Cat’s judging y’all for taking the long route,” one social media user wrote in the comments section.

Some TikTokers compared the cat’s behavior to a role-playing video game, stating that she is doing the side-quests while the dog is focused on the main quest.

“When your party member is the one picking up all the side-quests, and you’re just wandering towards the main story quest,” @bacman12 wrote.

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