Thanks Nature Café is South Korea’s Paradise for Sheep Lovers

Seoul, South Korea is home to many unusual cafés that you can’t find anywhere else in the world, and Thanks Nature Café is definitely unlike any other. In addition to enjoying a warm cup of coffee during your visit, you’ll also get to hang out with fluffy sheep.

The trend of animal cafés started growing in recent years, and Lee Kwang-ho welcomed it with open arms in 2011. He’s the owner of the popular Thanks Nature Café in Seoul, which is widely known as Sheep Café because it’s home to two adorable lambs that can be petted by customers.

Thanks Nature Café is divided into two sections, depending on your mood. One offers artisanal coffees and desserts while the other one is frequented by visitors who are in the mood to hang out with the café’s two most famous guests – two adorable fluffy sheep.

Lee Kwang-ho was wowed by the unexpected number of visitors who came to Thanks Nature Café after it became an internet sensation and made it to many lists of the best animal cafés in recent years. He welcomed people from countries he’d never heard of before, who couldn’t wait to hang out with adorable lambs without even leaving Seoul.

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