Pet Camera Captures Dog’s Excitement About His Owner Returning Home From Work

Spending time alone in the house is no fun for pets as they don’t have anyone to play with or someone to give them cuddles. This is why they mostly spend that time sleeping or just lying on the bed and waiting for their owners to return. But when that moment comes, they immediately forget they were ever sad or bored, as a recent video shared on TikTok shows.

The clip, featuring footage captured by a pet camera, shows a dog peacefully snoozing on a bed. However, as soon as the canine hears rumbling on the door and realizes that his owners are back home from work, the excitement completely takes him over.

The dog immediately lifts his head and starts ferociously waging his tail. He then stretches out and positions himself to receive massive cuddles as soon as his human walks through the door.

“This is a reminder that no matter how tired you are, your dog waited all day to spend time with you,” it says in the video that received close to two million views since being posted several days ago.

The excitement of the dog ended up warming the hearts of TikTok users, who rushed to the comments section to share how amazed they were by it.

“Animals are proof that true love is in actions and not words,” @bellahumby_ commented.

“That one quote: Dogs are just a part of your life, but we are their entire life,” @courtehnae added.

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