When one father’s children wouldn’t stop pestering him about getting a dog, he decided he needed to cover his bases. So he busted out his legal chops. Pending his agreement, he set some ground rules that had to be agreed upon. Before bringing a dog in to their home some ground rules had to be set. Naturally a contract was drawn up so everyone was clear on the conditions.
Here are some highlights:
Dad never has to pick up dog poop. Ever. The dog’s poop is picked up at least 3 times per week by children to dad’s satisfaction.
The dog does not slobber or have a runny nose. All parties agree that those kind of dogs are gross.
Dad has unrestricted veto power over the dog’s name.
The dog is never referred to as a child or sibling. All parties agree that the dog is a dog.
The dog does not receive organic, gourmet or special diet dog food. All parties agree that plain old dog food is fine.
So, how did it go?
Two weeks after contract was signed, the family adopted a three-year-old white fluffy dog called Kershaw from a shelter that weighs 15 lbs., was already house-trained and doesn’t shed or drool.