Brewery Offers Paid Paw-ternity Leave So Staff Can Bond With Their Dogs

BrewDog is a successful Scottish beer company that has officially branched out to the United States. They recently opened a brewery in Ohio that offers more than the usual employee benefits.

Brewery Offers Paid Paw-ternity Leave So Staff Can Bond With Their Dogs

BrewDog understands that owning a newborn puppy can be just as time consuming and imperative as a newborn baby. One must feed, bathe, and monitor the little pup to take care of it and ensure it is alive and well. That is why BrewDog has decided to provide its employees with ‘paw-eternity’ leave at its U.S and UK locations. The leave can be as long as one week and it is considered paid time off.

Brewery Offers Paid Paw-ternity Leave So Staff Can Bond With Their Dogs

BrewDog is known for their love of the four-legged animal and even allow employees to bring their dog to work. At their headquarters, more than 50 dogs come into the office every day!

Brewery Offers Paid Paw-ternity Leave So Staff Can Bond With Their Dogs

The company was founded by two men and their trusty dog. It’s important to mention that this wonderful Scottish company also offers exceptional paternity and maternity benefits. Watts, one of the founding members, stated that “[they] care about two things above all else, people and beer”. Their remarkable work culture certainly proves this statement true.

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